Consumer involvement, advocacy and complaints

Health Complaints Commissioner

The Victorian Health Complaints Commissioner is an independent organisation that aims to provide impartial complaints resolution about healthcare and the handling of health information in Victoria. The Commissioner can also investigate matters and review complaints data to help health service providers improve the quality of their service. Click here for more information.

Aged care sector advocacy organisations and complaints bodies

Elder Rights Advocacy

Elder Rights Advocacy supports older people, their families and representatives in Victoria address issues related to Commonwealth funded aged care services. Its service is free, independent and confidential.  It is a member of the national Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN), delivering the National Aged Care Advocacy Program (NACAP). Click here to check out their website.

Senior Rights Victoria

Seniors Rights Victoria advances the rights of older people and works to prevent elder abuse by advocating for policy changes and law reform. This involves making submissions to government inquiries and Royal Commissions, promoting our policy positions through discussion papers, and conducting and taking part in research to better understand the contexts in which elder abuse occurs. Here is the link to their website.

Australian Government Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

The role of the Australian Government Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission is to protect and improve the safety, health, wellbeing and quality of life of people receiving Australian funded aged care.  It has a complaint mechanism.  If you have a concern about the care you or someone else is receiving, it is important that you talk about it.  Complaints are important because they can help service providers improve the quality of care and services they provide to you or your loved one. Your complaint can help other people too. Click here to find out more information.