About Us
Clients and Carers
Advance care planning
Carers, families and friends
Consumer involvement, advocacy and complaints
Palliative Care for people with disabilities
Health Professionals
Palliative care language and definitions
Clinical resources, training and education
National Palliative Care Standards
Government palliative care policies and programs
Victorian service contacts
State/Territory peak bodies and government departments
GP teams and palliative care resources
LGBTIQA+ Inclusive Palliative Care Practice
Palliative Care Australia and National Palliative are Initiatives
Palliative care journals
Services Quickguide
Community palliative care services
Specialist palliative care services overview
Palliative care units
Palliative care consultancy services
Outpatient clinics
Day hospices
Paediatric palliative care
Aged Care
Preparing for End of Life
Identifying the Deteriorating Resident
Needs Rounds/Clinical Reviews
Symptom Management
Dementia and Palliative Care
Setting up a Medication Imprest System
Education Training and Resources
Support Services in the Region
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